ADHD Counselling

ADHD Counselling

Attention deficit problems can make it seem impossible to focus and can affect nearly every aspect of life. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Everyone has some of those characteristics sometimes (especially children!), but for people with ADHD these behaviours become unmanageable and can affect a person's job or school, relationships and mental health and happiness. While people often think of ADHD as a problem for children and teenagers, many adults suffer as well. There is no definitive test for ADHD, but if you think you or your child might suffer from it, you can be evaluated by one of our experienced counsellors and take an assessment. Learn more about our assessments here.

At Rivers Edge Counselling Centre our therapists have experience helping to manage ADHD and can help those suffering from it to reach their full potential.

Signs of ADHD:

  • Becoming easily distracted and jumping from activity to activity.

  • Becoming bored with a task quickly.

  • Difficulty focusing attention or completing a single task or activity.

  • Trouble completing or turning in homework assignments.

  • Losing things such as school supplies or toys.

  • Not listening or paying attention when spoken to.

  • Daydreaming or wandering with lack of motivation.

  • Difficulty processing information quickly.

  • Struggling to follow directions.

ADHD Counselling can help:

  • Identify problem areas and symptoms of ADD/ADHD

  • Process feelings around the disorder and diagnosis

  • Manage negative impulses and behaviours

  • Make a plan to help with focus, organization and completing tasks

  • Identify and cultivate practices that will help to accomplish goals

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