Wellness Matters Webinar — Understanding and Managing Screen Time and Concerns

From smart phones and social media, to video game consoles and even online classes, technology has become an often inescapable necessity in our lives. But has the proliferation of devices in our homes, schools, and workplaces become problematic? Is our increased dependence on technology changing our brains and the brains of our children? This presentation explores the compelling nature of digital technologies, how to reduce the risks of their potential negative impacts, as well as what to do when screen use becomes problematic.

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Maintaining Recovery During a Time of Isolation

Recovery is about support, support, and more support. so, with community gatherings and centres shut down, it can be a stressful time to try and find ways to maintain your recovery. With loneliness, boredom, and stress being top triggers for relapse, it is essential to make sure you are keeping up with new and old recovery tools. During this talk, Britni discusses creative ways to help you through a lonely and stressful time.

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