Our Team

Viktoriia Brzhezytska

Certified Canadian Counselor

I am Certified Canadian counselor with an extensive training in psychotherapy. In my practice with clients, I primarily draw on CBT and Schema therapy, which is a “third way” cognitive therapy that combines effective strategies and tools from CBT, emotion focused therapy and psychodynamic approaches.

 For the last 13 years of my practice with adults, adolescents and children, I have learned to develop safe and trustful relationships with clients that I strongly believe is a foundation of good therapy. Using scientifically based approaches, while building caring and trustful relationships, helps clients get to a better understanding of themselves and the roots of their problems, to bring further healing.

During my years of practice, I have helped clients with many issues that were causing them distress, including anxiety, depression, and the impact of stress, grief and trauma in their lives. I have also worked with clients with varying personality disorder traits and personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I offer services in English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Therapy approaches:


Areas of practice:

Educational and professional qualifications:

  • Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC; Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association)

  • Master of Science in Psychology 

  • Master’s in Teaching 

Professional memberships with Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) as well as The InternationalSociety of Schema Therapy (ISST)

In the process of certification for advanced level of individual schema therapy.

For more information,
or to schedule a session:

More About My specialties

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“Childhood is a special time of life. This is a time of rapid development of body, brain, and psyche. A time when family in which a child grows up, relationships and the atmosphere in it are so important. ...read more

...We know from research on human development how important the experience of child attachment with parents is, how important for a child to have their basic emotional needs fulfilled early on within their family. My focus in therapy with children is to help the family in a safe and caring atmosphere, to understand the behavior and needs of the child. I work with parents so that together, we can help the child with whatever challenges they may face at school, in relationships with peers, in discovering the world, their emotions and themself.

Teen years can be fun, but also confusing and very stressful for teenagers, as well as for their parents. Moodiness, strong emotional reactions and change in the behavior can contribute to arguments with parents and misunderstandings. ... read more

...This is the time when teenagers still need love, support, care and guidance from parents but also have a strong need in developing autonomy, independence and understanding of themselves. For the last 10 years, I have been working with teens and their parents focusing on building strong teen -parent’s relationships that are so vital for them. Having good relationships with parents and friends are extremely important for teens healthy development. Another focus of my work with teens is helping them build needed skills to better understand themselves and others, so that they are more prepared to navigate through challenges of teenage life and beyond.

Psychological traumas cannot be seen as easily as physical traumas, but untreated they can lead to many complications and have a tremendous effect on the lives and relationships of traumatized people. ... read more

...I have been working with traumatized clients for the last 13 years using Trauma Focused CBT and Schema therapy. Many times I was witnessing that however strong or resilient the client may be, hard traumatic experiences can overwhelm resources and capacity to cope bringing to lots of sufferings. I was trained and have many years of practice in treating acute trauma, PTSD and complex or developmental trauma. In my practice, I use a stage-based approach, first creating a sense of safety and trust for the client, to prepare them for the more focused trauma work.