Talking to Your Kids About the Big Stuff: How to Keep Them Informed Without Scaring Them

When faced with big life changes and difficult topics, it can be challenging as parents to find the right balance of giving information and protecting your kids. The COVID-19 crisis has created a lot of uncertainty and brought with it significant change for families. In this talk, Lindsey McColl, of River's Edge Counselling Centre, shares ideas for supporting kids through these changes, while managing their emotional needs and your own.

Facilitator: Lindsey McColl

Lindsey McColl has been a registered psychologist for over 4 years, and has more than a decade of experience working with children, teens and their families. She has a special interest in supporting parents and caregivers in everyday parenting struggles and building strong relationships with their children so that children build resilience and coping skills and a strong attachment and bond with their caregivers.

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or to schedule a session:

Call: 780-460-0022
Text: 780-460-0022

appointments available:

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 9:00pm
Sat & Sun: 9:00am - 5:00pm