Wellness Matters Webinar — Your Teen and Their Anxiety

Anxiety impacts us all, especially during the past year’s challenges and changes. Although anxiety can be normal and at times even a helpful reaction, it can also cause problems and over-activate a stress response in our bodies. Teens experience anxiety in unique ways and often need support to identify their experiences. As parents and caregivers, we hope to help our teens find healthy ways to manage and deal with their symptoms. Join us for an evening of learning and discussion on anxiety and your teen.

In this webinar, Courtney discuss:

  • What is anxiety?

  • What types of anxiety are there?

  • What we know works.

  • How to help your teen manage.

Facilitator: Courtney Hooper

for more information about counselling services,
or to schedule a session:

Call: 780-460-0022
Text: 780-460-0022

appointments available:

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 9:00pm
Sat & Sun: 9:00am - 5:00pm